Law's Cassandra Burke Robertson weighs in on California's Tesla Autopilot case The Daily The Daily
headshot of Cassandra Burke Robertson
Cassandra Burke Robertson, the John Deaver Drinko - BakerHostetler Professor of Law and the Director of the Center for Professional Ethics at Case Western Reserve University

Law’s Cassandra Burke Robertson weighs in on California’s Tesla Autopilot case

California jury finds Tesla Autopilot did not fail in crash case
NBC NewsCassandra Burke Robertson, the John Deaver Drinko-Baker Hostetler Professor of Law and director of the Center for Professional Ethics, weighed in on a California jury’s finding that Tesla’s Autopilot feature did not fail to perform safely in what appears to be the first trial related to a crash involving the partially automated driving software. She noted that this case “gives an indication of how later cases are likely to go.”