Close up photo of the track at the Veale Convocation, Recreation and Athletic Center

Did You Know: Recreation facilities

As the new year begins, we’re focusing on a goal that many emphasize this time of year: wellness. Throughout the month, we’ll highlight some of the wellness-related resources available to faculty, staff and students—covering both mental and physical well-being.

On-campus facilities are the Veale Convocation, Recreation and Athletic Center; Wyant Athletic and Wellness Center; and 121 Fitness Center.

Admission to the Veale and Wyant centers is free for faculty, staff and students with a valid CWRU ID. 121 Fitness requires a paid membership; discounts are available to students, faculty and staff.

Faculty, staff and students can get active at Veale Convocation, Recreation and Athletic Center with a rock climbing wall, a six-lane indoor track, multipurpose courts and more.

Wyant Athletic and Wellness Center, located in North Residential Village, offers the community a weight room and fitness center.

With a membership to 121 Fitness Center, individuals can participate in more than 80 group exercise classes, plus use functional training equipment, free and machine weights, cardio equipment and more.

Find out more about how to get active on campus.