Incoming students: Select SAGES First Seminar

Many first-year students have or will soon receive an email to their Case Western Reserve University account with instructions to make their SAGES First Seminar selections. Others will be placed in First Seminars to provide additional writing support, based on their test scores and writing samples.

Those who receive the First Seminar selection email will be asked to choose four seminars that fit their schedule. They will then be placed in one of those selections.

SAGES classes are rooted in discussion and critical thinking, and students will get the most out of their First Seminar if they choose topics that speak to them, rather than picking seminars simply because they are offered at a convenient time or day.

First Seminars are not necessarily designed to connect to specific academic majors, minors or programs, so students don’t have to find seminars “related” to their intended major. Instead, the seminars may provide a way to explore or extend a secondary interest.

Varsity athletes should avoid practice times in the selection of First Seminars.