Even those with basic knowledge of personal finance will learn something new in Finance 101 and Finance 201, two series offered by the Faculty/Staff Wellness Program.
Topics will include the best way to purchase a car, the various types of insurance to purchase, good and bad debt, and strategies for saving for college. Wellness Program participants who attend at least 85% of classes in the series will be eligible for the Wellness Program Incentive in December. meaning faculty and staff can actually earn money while learning to better manage it.
Financial Wellness 101 will take place Thursdays at 12:30 starting Sept. 24; pre-registration is required. Sign up for Financial Wellness 101.
Financial Wellness 201 will take place Wednesdays at noon starting Sept. 23; pre-registration is required. Register for Financial Wellness 201.
All classes will be offered via Zoom and recorded. All registrants will receive a recording of the class after the session. That way anyone who cannot attend live—which is preferred—will be able watch it during the intervening week and still earn credit for participation.
Take some time once a week during your lunch break this fall to bone up on personal finance with the Wellness Program.