Get fresh produce from university farm by taking part in its CSA; sign up now

The Farm Food Program at the Case Western Reserve University Farm is accepting shareholders for the 2013 summer and fall Community Supported Agriculture program. In a CSA, community members purchase shares in a farm and, in turn, receive farm-fresh produce.

For 2013, the farm will offer two separate CSA sessions. For the summer, the CSA will run 12 weeks from June 13 to Aug. 29. A full share ($40/week) costs $500 for the session and a half share ($20/week) costs $260, with the total being paid up front. The fall session will run eight weeks (Sept. 5-Oct. 24). A full share ($40/week) costs $340 for the session and a half share ($20/week) costs $180, with the total being paid up front.

Information about share sizes, prices and all other details can be found online at