Increase your knowledge of personal finance by taking one of two eight-week classes offered by the Wellness Program. Faculty and staff can participate in Financial Wellness 101 for a basic overview of finances, or Financial Wellness 201, which goes more in depth.
Financial Wellness 101 covers topics such as investing for retirement and deciding to buy or lease a car. This program will be offered Thursdays beginning Jan. 19 at 5:30 p.m. in Biomedical Research Building, Room 105.
Register for Financial Wellness 101.
For those who already completed the class, Financial Wellness 201 offers a deeper dive into topics such as reverse mortgages and saving for college. Financial Wellness 201 will be held Wednesdays beginning Jan. 18 at noon in the Thwing Center ballroom.
Register for Financial Wellness 201.
William Mahnic, associate professor of banking and finance, will teach both classes.
Wellness participants who attend seven of the eight classes from one series will earn the new financial well-being Wellness Program incentive at the end of the year.
Learn more about the six Wellness Program incentives at