All 2018 faculty and staff wellness participants—those receiving the $25 monthly incentive in their paycheck—are reminded to complete attestation forms in HCM if they met the standard for program completion in one or two of the six Wellness Program categories in 2018: community, financial well-being, nutrition or weight management, physical activity, stress management or tobacco cessation.
As a general guideline, program completion required participating in at least 85 percent of in-person or online wellness programs that were offered over multiple weeks during 2018. All programs must be complete and attested to by Friday, Nov. 30.
Participants can learn about each category and the requirements on the Wellness Program website.
To attest, log into HCM and click on:
- Main Menu;
- Self Service;
- Benefits; and then
- Wellness Program Participation.
Participants are eligible for up to two $100 incentives annually.