Facilitate oral health awareness and care with a donation to the Healthy Smiles Sealant Program

As part of #GivingTuesdayatCWRU, donate to support university organizations seeking to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

The Healthy Smiles Sealant Program serves Cleveland Metropolitan School District children. The program facilitates pre-doctoral students to perform dental examinations and apply protective sealant to cavity-free teeth, as well as educate children on general health care, oral care and nutritional health. In 2010-11, the program visited all 76 CMSD schools and treated more than 5,300 students.

Donations will support the general operating budget for the program, including supplies and after-treatment take-home packages (toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss) for children.

For more information on #GivingTuesdayatCWRU and the other programs you can support, or to make a donation, visit case.edu/giving/annual/giving-tuesday.html.