The next Ethics Table brown bag lunch will be held Wednesday, Oct. 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Cleveland Room of the Thwing Center.
The session will be led by Craig Bourne, Cleveland Heights community member, composer and “recovering engineer,” and will address Cleveland labor history. Throughout U.S. labor history, there has been a thread of political repression, which persists today. The discussion will center on two events in Cleveland labor history that are in some ways emblematic—and in some ways different—of these U.S. trends, and what ethics inherits from such history.
Attendees should bring their own lunch and drink; coffee and dessert will be served.
Anyone with ideas for topics for upcoming discussions should email Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, Beamer-Schneider Professor in Ethics, at, or anonymously write on the chalkboard outside of Clark Hall room 310.