Photo of Cleveland skyline along Lake Erie

Laudato si’, The Common Good, and the Cuyahoga River”

In his encyclical Laudato si’ Pope Francis offers a diagnosis of our current environmental crisis.

The next Ethics Table event, titled “Laudato si’, The Common Good, and the Cuyahoga River,” will be held Friday, Dec. 6, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in Clark Hall, Room 206.

In this meeting of the Ethics Table, Bharat Ranganathan and Eddy Olschansky will discuss environmental degradation and stewardship. First, Ranganathan will provide an overview of Pope Francis’ Laudato si’. Then, Olschanky will talk about environmental stewardship, discussing his efforts cleaning refuse that has been improperly deposited in the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie.