Cleveland Rape Crisis Center ambassadors certifications session

#MeToo, Interfraternity Congress/Panhellenic Council and the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center (CRCC) will host a training session for Case Western Reserve University students to become certified ambassadors of the CRCC. The session will be held Thursday, Sept. 12, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Student Organization Center at the TInkham Veale University Center.

The event will focus on the prevalence of sexual violence, highlighting the myths and facts about rape and sexual violence and discussing the impact of rape culture in our society, along with effective bystander intervention techniques, supporting survivors of rape and sexual abuse and how to advocate for social change. 

The session is limited to 50 attendees; if the session is full, students can RSVP for the waiting list.

Sign up for this session.