Purchase a “singing valentine” for a friend or coworker; opt-out if you don’t want to receive one February 3, 2025The Case Glee Club will once again offer “singing valentines” to members of the Case Western Reserve University...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
Apply to join the executive board of HyperCase January 31, 2025HyperCase is a student-led incubator tackling healthcare challenges through interdisciplinary collaboration. Bringing together future doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs and...Campus & CommunityStudent Life·
Enroll your child in a camp hosted by CWRU Club Cheer January 30, 2025As a fundraiser for UCA Nationals, the CWRU Club Cheer team will host “Lil Spartans,” a mini cheer...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
A cappella group’s recent album reviewed favorably January 10, 2025Case in Point, Case Western Reserve University’s premier co-ed a cappella group, released its album Breakthrough in September....Publications & Presentations·
Collaborative Coding Club project showcase December 3, 2024The Collaborative Coding Club will host its project showcase Friday, Dec. 6, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in...Events·
Donate or receive a winter coat November 27, 2024Covenant Campus Ministry, United Protestant Campus Ministries, Muslim Student Association and the Office of International Student Resources and...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
Forging paths: CWRU community members share first-gen college experiences November 8, 2024When the federal government passed the Higher Education Act (HEA) in 1965, politicians acknowledged an obvious fact: pursuing...FeaturedPeople·
IMPROVment: The Water Show October 4, 2024IMPROVment, Case Western Reserve University’s short-form musical improv comedy troupe, will perform Saturday, Oct. 5, after the Department...Events·
Enroll your child in “Lil Spartans” cheer camp program October 4, 2024As a fundraiser for Universal Cheerleaders Association Nationals, CWRU Club Cheer is offering a “Lil Spartans” cheer camp...Campus Updates·
First CWRU Jeopardy October 3, 2024Undergraduate students are invited to join First CWRU for an afternoon of games and more Friday, Oct. 4,...Events·