PRCHN’s Elaine Borawski explains the PEER community program June 21, 2012New CWRU fellowship helps nonprofits probe urban health issues The Plain Dealer: The Partners in Education, Evaluation and...Media·
Violence affects children’s sleep, according to medicine’s James Spilsbury June 14, 2012Violence takes a toll on children’s sleep HealthDay News: Children who are victims of violence sleep fewer hours...Media·
Psychology’s Amy Przeworski discusses the importance of fun in relationships June 14, 2012Rediscovering why part of the work should be play Psychology Today: As the third part of a series...Media·
Finance Professor J.B. Silvers talks UnitedHealthcare’s proposed actions June 12, 2012UnitedHealth to adopt reform provisions, set insurance standard American Public Media: UnitedHealthcare plans to announce that it will...Media·
Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew talks about her role in Global Health Program June 12, 2012University Hospitals’ Dr. Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew heads Guyana program The Plain Dealer: Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew explains her role as director...Media·
Pediatrics’ Robert Needlman explains benefits of this year’s Best Green Toy June 12, 2012Thinking inside the box pays off for Oakley’s Blue Manatee Soapbox Cincinnati: A Cincinnati bookstore recently won a...Media·
Pediatrics professor Maureen Hack says preemie babies grow into healthy teens June 8, 2012Most ‘extreme preemies’ grow into happy, healthy teens HealthDay News: As teenagers, individuals who were born prematurely rate...Media·
Social work’s Kathryn Betts Adams blogs about media’s focus on aging June 8, 2012Our own worst critics? Or not Psychology Today: In a blog post, Kathryn Betts Adams, associate professor of...Media·
Beverly Saylor explains fracking’s associated risks June 8, 2012Panel debates ‘fracking’ Cleveland Jewish News: Beverly Saylor, associate professor of stratigraphy and sedimentology, recently spoke at a...Media·
Weatherhead School’s J.B. Silvers talks healthcare savings checklist June 8, 2012Cleveland Clinic CEO, 10 other execs create cost-saving healthcare ‘checklist’ with Institute of Medicine The Plain Dealer: A...Media·