Former Department of Endodontics Chair Jefferson Jones passes away November 24, 2015The year was 1967. Thurgood Marshall was confirmed as the first African-American justice of the U.S. Supreme Court....Featured·
NSF grant expands CWRU-directed program to promote gender equity in STEM faculty positions November 23, 2015A program to promote gender equity in academic science and engineering careers across universities in northern Ohio is...Featured·
Trustee claims University Circle Collaboration Award November 20, 2015Two years ago, Joseph and Nancy Keithley named three reasons for their $15 million commitment to Case Western Reserve...AwardsFeaturedUniversity Circle·
5 questions with… computer engineering major, study abroad student Jean Castillo November 20, 2015It’s been an uncharacteristically warm fall here in Cleveland—but halfway around the world, Jean Castillo has spent months...5questionsFeatured·
Prostate cancer radiation therapy without fatigue? Nursing researcher seeks answers to common side effect November 19, 2015Fatigue from prostate cancer and its treatment can be debilitating. The symptom, which can’t be relieved with rest,...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Students treat senior patients in van equipped as dentist’s office November 19, 2015Students and faculty at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Dental Medicine are treating Cleveland-area seniors in a...Featured·
Master of Science in Management-Healthcare classes to be offered at Global Center for Health Innovation November 18, 2015Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management’s Master of Science in Management-Healthcare (MSM-Healthcare) program is branching out...Featured·
CWRU biologists find keys to driving a cockroach November 18, 2015Sensorimotor neurons in central complex encode for movements Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have identified neurons in...FeaturedScience & Tech·
CWRU ranks among nation’s top institutions for percentage of undergraduates who study abroad November 17, 2015Student participation has more than doubled since 2010-11 school year For the first time in its history, Case...AwardsFeatured·
Has Chicago’s $3.2 billion public housing makeover successfully re-integrated the poor? November 17, 2015New book from Mandel School faculty says no A $3.2 billion (and counting) transformation of Chicago’s notorious high-rise...FeaturedPublications & Presentations·