Social The Blessings of Work: “Why Work?” Start: 9/10/19 11:30 am End: 9/10/19 12:30 pm Location: Tomlinson Hall
Speakers and Lectures Science Café Cleveland: “A Tale of Two Food Cities” Start: 9/9/19 7:00 pm End: 9/9/19 8:00 pm Location: Music Box Supper Club (1148 Main Ave.)
Social Found Families welcome and information session Start: 9/9/19 4:00 pm End: 9/9/19 6:00 pm Location: Tinkham Veale University Center
Speakers and Lectures Health Education Seminars: “From Genesis to 1846: The O’Regional Story of Anesthesia” Start: 9/7/19 6:00 pm End: 10/7/19 8:30 pm Location: Landmark Centre Building - 25700 Science Park Dr.
Training and Workshops WelcomeBackHACK Start: 9/7/19 10:00 am End: 9/7/19 12:00 am Location: Sears think[box]
Speakers and Lectures “Roundtable on Genre: Tragedy, Pastoral, American Sonnet” Start: 9/6/19 3:15 pm End: 9/6/19 4:15 pm Location: Guilford House
Speakers and Lectures “Symposium Celebrating Arnold Caplan’s 50 Years at CWRU” Start: 9/6/19 12:30 pm End: 9/6/19 5:00 pm Location: Tinkham Veale University Center