Carillon concert to be held Aug. 8 August 4, 2021A special carillon concert by Keiran Cantilina on the 47 bell carillon in the McGaffin Tower at the...Community Postings·
Nobel Laureate participates in video interview with CWRU’s journal Pathogens and Immunity July 30, 2021In an exclusive video interview with senior editors of CWRU’s journal Pathogens and Immunity, Nobel Laureate David Baltimore,...Community Postings·
Sculpture Center presents augmented-reality exhibition featuring 12 Black artists and six Cleveland neighborhoods July 30, 2021The Sculpture Center proudly presents, along with curator Robin Robinson, CROSSROADS: STILL WE RISE. Featuring 12 Black artists...Community Postings·
Volunteers Needed for Nonpartisan Voter Registration July 26, 2021Volunteer for a shift or two at the OCA Booth for One World Day Sunday, Aug. 29 between...Community Postings·
Popup vaccine clinic to be held July 23 on the West Side at Beth Israel – The West Temple July 21, 2021In partnership with the Jewish Family Service Agency of Cleveland, Cleveland Vaccine Volunteer Network is hosting a popup...Community Postings·
Exclusive Discount for CWRU Alumni and Families! July 20, 2021It’s time to tee it up at Progressive Field with Topgolf Live Sept. 30–Oct. 3! Join Topgolf as...Community Postings·
COVID Ethical, Social, and Regulatory Research Challenges July 16, 2021The Ethics and Regulatory Subgroup, part of the Behavioral Health & Population Outcomes Working Group of the Cleveland...Community Postings·
Share feedback with Sears think[box] July 14, 2021Help improve Sears think[box] by sharing your feedback on the 2021 Annual Survey by Sunday, July 18 for...Community Postings·
Cleveland Clinic offers scholarships to 10 underrepresented students in medicine July 14, 2021Cleveland Clinic is offering scholarships to 10 underrepresented students in medicine so that they may participate in an...Community Postings·
Apply to be a CWRU tour guide July 13, 2021The Office of Undergraduate Admission is looking to hire more tour guides! This is an excellent opportunity for...Community Postings·