5 questions with…career counselor, international traveler Genine Apidone October 28, 2011As a career counselor in the Career Center, Genine Apidone is used to giving advice. So when she...5questions·
5 questions with…MBA student, international blogger Julia Steinberg October 7, 2011Ever wondered what it’s like to be an MBA student? Julia Steinberg wants to help you out. A...5questions·
5 questions with…SAGES lecturer, pre-law adviser, dancer Terri Mester September 30, 2011Terri Mester is no stranger to Case Western Reserve University. She’s a SAGES lecturer in the Department of...5questions·
5 questions with…urban change-maker Richey Piiparinen September 23, 2011Richey Piiparinen is dedicated to improving this city—both its people and its landscape. A resident of Cleveland’s Near...5questions·
5 questions with…geology professor, dog devotee Peter McCall September 15, 2011As faculty adviser of WRUW-FM, it’s no surprise Peter McCall has an extensive iPod playlist. But there’s more...5questions·
5 questions with…CWRU’s new Spartan Nicholas Barron September 8, 2011When searching for someone to fill the sandals of last year’s Spartan, the university needed to look no...5questions·
5 questions with…USG president, mashup master Divya Aggarwal September 2, 2011As Undergraduate Student Government president and a nutrition and biology major, Divya Aggarwal has plenty on her schedule....5questions·
5 questions with…international affairs director, community theater lover Molly Watkins August 26, 2011Molly Watkins may be new to the university, starting as the director of international affairs in July, but...5questions·
5 questions with…Urban Health Initiative’s Amy Sheon August 18, 2011Amy Sheon marches to the beat of her own drum. Or, rather, her own harmonica. A dancer, singer...5questions·
5 questions with…GSS president, avid outdoorsman Quentin Jamieson August 11, 2011A biophysics graduate student, classically trained pianist and a…homemade ice cream maker? Quentin Jamieson, president of Graduate Student...5questions·