5 questions with…international affairs director, community theater lover Molly Watkins

Molly Watkins may be new to the university, starting as the director of international affairs in July, but she’s certainly no stranger to the world of global education. Watkins got her start in international education while living in China for two years, and she previously served as an international education faculty member at Mississippi State University.

As her office prepares for the official campus opening of the Center for International Affairs Sept. 8 (including the International and Study Abroad Fair from 1 to 4 p.m. and an official ceremony at 3:30 p.m.), Watkins, who loves performing community theater in her spare time, took a few minutes to help us get to know her a bit better.

1. What’s on your iPod?
A little Broadway, a little pop, a little classic rock. My favorite playlist right now goes from Billy Joel and Elton John to Damien Rice to David Bowie to Queen to Violent Femmes to Stevie Wonder.

2. What’s your favorite spot in Cleveland and why?
I’m new to Cleveland, so I don’t know many spots yet. My favorite spot is probably my home in Shaker Heights. I’ve only been there a few months, so I am still settling in.

3. If you could only take three books with you to a deserted island, what would you take?
I read somewhere between three and four books every week, so asking me to pick my favorite three is pretty hard. If I’m trapped on the deserted island, it’s pretty easy though—I’d take How to Survive on a Deserted Island, Survival for Dummies, and The Idiots Guide to Survive Anything. All are real books, I promise.

4. What one word would you use to describe yourself, and what one word would your friends use to describe you?
I would have to say that I am curious. I like learning about new things, and I want to know how things work and why. My friends would probably describe me as practical or dependable.

5. What’s your favorite thing about Case Western Reserve University?
My favorite thing about Case Western Reserve University is its willingness to go to the cutting edge—in research, education, service, and now in its international efforts. CWRU isn’t scared of taking risks to be a leader, and I love that about this institution.


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