Register by March 27 for Supervisor ReFresh March 10, 2020All staff and faculty who have been in a supervisory role at the university for two or more...Faculty & Staff·
Did you know? Flora Stone Mather March 10, 2020In honor of Women’s History Month, we are highlighting women who made an impact on Case Western Reserve...Connect·
Flora Stone Mather Center for Women March 9, 2020To recognize Women’s History Month as well as yesterday’s International Women’s Day, we’re highlighting the Flora Stone Mather...Connect·
Peoplesoft Financials, PeopleSoft Human Capital Management, Student Information System, and Data Warehouse (Business Objects) unavailable the weekend of March 13 March 6, 2020Because of scheduled maintenance, Peoplesoft Financials (FIN), PeopleSoft Financials Reporting (FIN Report), Peoplesoft Human Capital Management (HCM), Peoplesoft...Campus Updates·
Law’s Erik Jensen breaks down issues facing the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact March 5, 2020Erik Jensen, the Coleman P. Burke Professor Emeritus of Law, weighed in on the proposed National Popular Vote...Op-ed·
Doctoral candidate Udayan Dahr writes about the evolving impact of technology on human resources March 5, 2020Udayan Dahr, a PhD candidate in the Department of Organizational Behavior in the Weatherhead School of Management, wrote...Op-ed·
Law’s Anat Alon-Beck says COVID-19 is an argument for stronger national initiatives against health risks March 5, 2020Anat Alon-Beck, assistant professor of law, wrote in Forbes that she sees a critical need to establish a...Op-ed·
Law’s Jonathan Adler writes about the significance of a U.S. Court of Appeals judge’s retirement announcement March 5, 2020Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law, wrote an opinion piece in The National Review in...Op-ed·
White Fragility book discussion group March 5, 2020Are you interested in having some in-depth conversations about a tough subject? How about challenging yourself to look...Events·
Found Families movie night March 5, 2020Found Families will host an LGBTQ-themed movie night on Saturday, March 7, from 5 to 7 p.m. at...Events·