The Kelvin Smith Library will offer two RefWorks 2.0 information sessions this fall to inform the campus community about the benefits of using this powerful research management, writing and collaboration tool.
The sessions will take place on Thursday, Sept. 26, from 2 to 3 p.m. and Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 11 a.m. to noon, both in Kelvin Smith Library 215.
Topics discussed will include how to:
- sign up for a new account.
- export references to RefWorks from the online catalog, Summon and online databases.
- organize your references in RefWorks.
- use Write-N-Cite to quickly import citations and write a paper.
- keep accounts after graduation.
This class is open to any interested Case Western Reserve students, faculty and staff.
To RSVP, email Yuening Zhang at
To learn more about RefWorks, visit