![Case-Reserve football game](https://blog.case.edu/archives/2012/11/21/Case-Reserve1912.jpg)
Thanksgiving may be a day for family and friends, but football often plays a big part in the day as well—even at CWRU.
Years ago, before the federation of Case Institute of Technology and Western Reserve University, the highlight of both school’s varsity athletic seasons was their annual Thanksgiving Day matchup against each other, the Case-Reserve Football Game. The game was held at League Park in the Hough neighborhood of Cleveland, at the Cleveland Indians home field or at Cleveland Municipal Stadium.
“Particularly in the years before professional football came to Cleveland, this contest drew huge crowds from throughout the region,” according to the university’s Little Blue Book.
Read more about the university’s history and traditions at students.case.edu/division/traditions/bluebook/. Or read a recap of the Thanksgiving Day matchup from 100 years ago in Recollections, from the University Archives.