Purchase a “singing valentine” for a friend or coworker; opt-out if you don’t want to receive one

The Case Glee Club will once again offer “singing valentines” to members of the Case Western Reserve University community.

Students, faculty and staff can purchase “singing valentines” for $7 to have the Case Glee Club surprise a friend or coworker with a song. On Valentine’s Day, the Glee Club will enter classrooms to deliver these songs. 

The Case Glee Club will table in Thwing Student Center and Nord Hall Feb. 3–7 and Feb. 10–12 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Any individuals wishing not to receive a singing valentine in their class(es) is encouraged to fill out the opt-out form. A separate opt-out form will be emailed to faculty members for their classes.