From April 21 to 27, Kelvin Smith Library will participate in Preservation Week, during which libraries all over the country highlight their efforts to preserve personal and shared collections. The following free activities will be offered at Kelvin Smith Library as a part of Preservation Week:
Preservation Information Table
April 21–27
Main Lobby
Pick up free technical and practical information about preserving personal collections.
ALA Webinar 01: Preservation of Family Photographs
Tuesday, April 23, 2-3 p.m.
Hatch Reading Room (2nd Floor)
Debra Hess Norris, chair of the art conservation department and professor of photograph conservation at the University of Delaware, will offer basic guidance on the care and preservation of family photographs from 19th century tintypes to contemporary color prints.
ALA Webinar 02: Personal Digital Archiving
Wednesday, April 24, 2-3 p.m.
Hatch Reading Room (2nd Floor)
Mike Ashenfelder, digital preservation project coordinator for the Library of Congress, will discuss common digital files (photos, recordings, video, documents, etc.) and how to preserve them.
Hands-on Archival Scanning Demo
Wednesday April 24, 3-5 p.m.
Freedman Center (1st Floor)
For this demonstration of archival scanning techniques, attendees are invited to bring up to five personal photos or documents to be scanned and copied onto provided CDs.
Attendees at any of these events will be entered into a raffle drawing to win a basket filled with archival storage supplies, including an archival-quality photograph album, polypropylene photo pages and document storage boxes.
For more information, email or call 216.368.2992.