a health insurance claim form with a stethoscope on top

2019 Benelect open enrollment ends Friday, Nov. 30

The Benelect open enrollment period ends Friday, Nov. 30, which is the last day for participants to make changes for the 2019 calendar year. Visit the 2019 Open Enrollment website for complete information.

Employees planning to add new dependents to their benefits for the 2019 calendar year must first provide appropriate dependent verification to Benefits Administration. Providing dependent verification prompts Benefits Administration to add dependents to HCM, allowing selection of those dependents when using the open enrollment system. Participants will be unable to add new dependents to their benefits until they submit the required dependent verification.

A list of acceptable dependent verification documents is available on the Human Resources website. Documents should be submitted to Benefits Administration in Crawford Hall, Room 320, or via fax to 216.368.3582. Include the dependent’s date of birth and social security number with submissions. Documentation containing social security numbers or other sensitive data should never be sent via email.

With questions, contact AskHR@case.edu or call the Human Resources Service Center at 216.368.6964.