Yoga, meditation classes offered in January at a discounted rate

The Connor Integrative Medicine Network at University Hospitals once again presents four-week yoga and meditation classes, offered at a discounted price for Case Western Reserve University employees, students and volunteers.

In Meditation 101, participants will experience meditation and learn practical tools that will help manage stress effectively and tap into natural healing abilities. The class is held every Wednesday, Jan. 9–30, from noon to 1 p.m.

The Meditation 102 series aims to help participants develop a more consistent meditation practice and experience the cumulative benefits on their emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health. There will be two sessions: one on Mondays from Jan. 7 to 28, noon–1 p.m., and the other will be Wednesdays Jan. 9-30, from 5 to 6 p.m.

Both meditation courses will be held in the first-floor conference room B of Bolwell Building.

In addition, hatha yoga courses are available. The gentle hatha yoga class, held Thursdays, Jan. 10-31, from 5 to 6 p.m., combines breath awareness and guided relaxation practices along with some standing, seated (on the floor) and reclining poses. This class, held in Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Community Room, is appropriate for beginners, individuals with low back pain or other health conditions, and more experienced students who want a slower paced, less strenuous class.

The regular hatha yoga course, held Tuesdays Jan. 8-29 in the Lerner Tower Room 2060 from 6 to 7 p.m., blends a variety of levels of yoga poses with an exploration of the body, mind, and spirit connection through breathing and meditative practices.

Both yoga classes are held on the sixth floor of the Bolwell Building.

Each four-week series is $40 for Case Western Reserve or University Hospitals employees; community members are welcome for $60 each series. Call 216.767.8435 to register.