Hand holding a pen proofreading a paper

Writing Resource Center Workshop: “Evidence and Argument”

Are you working on a research project? Do you want some extra practice integrating sources into your writing? Join the Writing Resource Center for an interactive Zoom workshop titled “Evidence and Argumentation” Friday, April 16, from 12:45 to 2 p.m. 

English lecturer Steven Pinkerton and student Jessica Bumgarner will lead the session. Students will learn more about the research process and choose sources that meaningfully contribute to their arguments. Workshop leaders also will discuss how students can effectively quote, paraphrase and respond to materials they discover during their research. The workshop will be held April 16 from 12:45 to 2 p.m. 

Register for the session. A Zoom link will be sent out shortly before the event.

Questions for the Writing Resource Center? Email writingcenter@case.edu.

Make an appointment at wrc.case.edu.