Women faculty: Learn to communicate with credibility during leadership development event

Women faculty: The Women Faculty Leadership Development Institute of the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women will host “Shameless Self-Promotion: Communicating with Credibility” Monday, Oct. 15.

Christine Zust, the author of Everything I Do Positions Me: The Simple Path to Professional Success, will teach attendees to position themselves more powerfully as equal contributors, speak with confidence through verbal and nonverbal communication, and to ask for what they want and need.

In addition, each attendee can arrive a few minutes early or stay a few minutes late to have a free professional photo taken for use on her website, blog or other self-promotional outlets.

The free event will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Spartan Room at Thwing Center.

RSVP to www.surveymonkey.com/s/5Y2KZDN.