The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women invites the campus community to the third session of its Women of Color Series.
This session, titled “Intersectionality in Action: Motherwork,” will be held Wednesday, March 21, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center, Suite 248.
Registration is available online.
About this session
In this session, participants will discuss motherwork as a derivative of feminist engagement, and also highlight the links between trauma and mitochondrial DNA.
Christin Farmer, executive director of Birthing Beautiful Communities, and Carmen Lane, founder and owner of ATNSC Doula, will participate in a panel discussion of their work.
About the series
The Women of Color Series centers intersectional feminist practice as a primary tool to identify, learn and grow our individual perspectives as we move toward building an inclusive gender equity movement.
It is open to all members of the CWRU community who are interested in advocating for equity for all women.
The Women of Color series is dedicated to inclusion and advocacy for marginalized women who also identify as people of color based on their race and/or ethnicity. These identities include, but are not limited to, Asian, African-American, Black, Hispanic, Indian, Indigenous, Latina, Middle Eastern, Native American, North African or Pan African.
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