Why study bioethics? Find out at Nov. 18 information session

bioethics flyerRegardless of academic major or field of study, bioethical issues are an inevitable part of students’ lives, eventually. Throughout professional careers and in personal lives, people will be confronted with a series of challenging ethical dilemmas—students are invited to learn about these at “What is Bioethics? Why Should I Care?”

Insoo Hyun, associate professor in the Department of Bioethics, will lead an interactive session that highlights many of the bioethical scenarios that can arise in one’s life. Students are invited to find out what bioethics is and how they can benefit from a bioethics education.

The session will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 18, from 6 to 7 p.m. in DeGrace Hall, Room 312.

RSVP online and find more information at case.edu/bioethics.