“What I Learned in My Industrial Postdoc: Project Management Skills for Academia”

Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to join the Community of Advocates for Representation in Engineering for its inaugural Graduate Diversity and Development seminar Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 5 to 6 p.m. in Wickenden Building, Room 321.

Julie Renner, associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, will present  “What I Learned in My Industrial Postdoc: Project Management Skills for Academia.”

For many, a postdoctoral position is the next major career step in their career path after obtaining a PhD. A large majority of postdocs—89%—will be in academic labs. The rest receive their training in industry, national laboratories or other government entities. While industrial postdocs are relatively rare, the experience offers a variety of benefits, including the opportunity to participate in project and grant management. 

Renner will discuss the benefits of industrial postdocs in gaining project management experience. The hands-on training can provide strategies for assembling and managing a team, project goals, budgets and collaborations. An overview of those skills and how they can be translated to successful academic tasks will be highlighted.

Register to attend.