Weigh in on the City of Cleveland’s updated Climate Action Plan

CWRU’s Office of Energy & Sustainability and several other faculty, staff and students, including the CWRU Climate Acton Network have worked with and collaborated with City of Cleveland on the Climate Action Plans.

Now the City of Cleveland needs your input.

The City of Cleveland first developed a Climate Action Plan (CAP) to help the city take action to address the challenges of the climate crisis back in 2013. The time has come to update this plan, and they need widespread involvement from community members to make it a success.

Climate change describes a change in the average conditions — such as temperature and rainfall — in a region over a long period of time. Human activity is causing worldwide temperatures to rise higher and faster than any time we know of in the past. In Cleveland, we are already seeing more extreme weather events, like severe storms, more rain, flooding, extreme heat, and warmer seasons that will have long-term impacts on our economy and health.

As a part of the effort to update its Climate Action Plan, the City of Cleveland is conducting a survey to gather input from people who live and work in the city about the types of goals and actions you would like to see included in the plan. Your feedback will be essential to shaping the plan that charts how Cleveland will achieve net zero emissions of climate pollution by 2050.

The survey is available from Wednesday, July 24th through Friday, August 9th at
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PVBQ33N. If you or someone you know is unable to complete the survey online, we can provide you with a hard copy to complete and return, or you can pick one up from the CWRU Office of Energy Sustainability or the City of Cleveland Office of Sustainability. The survey is also available in Spanish at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M6BP8RY.

The survey should take approximately ten (10) minutes to complete. Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a raffle to win one of five $20 gift cards to Dave’s Supermarket.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Sustainability at sustainability@clevelandoh.gov or by phone at (216) 664-2455. Thank you for your time and feedback!