Webinar series continues with ”Today’s Chinese Student: Cultural Insights for Better Integration”

Join NAFSA: Association of International Educators for “Today’s Chinese Student: Cultural Insights for Better Integration,” the second webinar in a three-part series on working with Chinese undergraduates on U.S. campuses.

Today’s Chinese students are different from the students of previous decades and they are enrolling in unprecedented numbers in U.S. colleges and universities. How does group culture and shared experience affect the cultural and social integration of Chinese students on campus? This webinar will bring together campus officials and an intercultural communication expert to provide a primer on intercultural interaction, particularly how group culture and hierarchy affect relationships.

The NAFSA Webinar Series focuses on the integration of Chinese students into campus life, the classroom and the community. All members of the campus community are invited to learn about the needs of Chinese students and develop a better understanding of their cultural and academic background and preparedness.

The webinar, sponsored by the Center for International Affairs and the Kelvin Smith Library, will take place in the Kelvin Smith Library’s Dampeer Room Dec. 4 from 3 to 4 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information contact Molly Watkins (molly.watkins@case.edu) or Gail Reese (egr@case.edu).