Views of Clevelands skyline beyound boulders and shrubs along the wintery shoreline of Lake Erie at Edgewater Park in Cleveland, Ohio. Courtesy of Getty Images.
Views of Clevelands skyline beyound boulders and shrubs along the wintery shoreline of Lake Erie at Edgewater Park in Cleveland, Ohio. Courtesy of Getty Images.

Weatherhead’s Jonathan Ernest talks about the salt shortage in Northeast Ohio

We have salt mines. So why are we short on salt?
WEWSJonathan Ernest, assistant professor of economics at Weatherhead School of Management, discussed the salt shortage in Northeast Ohio. “We’d like to think of the supply as being pretty plentiful—having large salt mines right under Lake Erie, right off the coast here in Cleveland—but we also have to think of salt as this global market,” he said, explaining that even a region rich in natural salt deposits has to compete with other buyers, many of whom have experienced skyrocketing demand.