Distinguished University Professor Richard Boyatzis will host a free webinar, titled “Coaching with Compassion,” on Tuesday, May 12, from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Using his well-established Intentional Change Theory (ICT) and complexity theory, Boyatzis has researched how people and organizations engage in sustainable, desired change. The theories predict how changes occur in different groups of human organizations, including team, community, country and global change.
Ongoing research supporting these theories includes developing new and better measures of an individual’s emotional, social and cognitive intelligence as well as studies that demonstrate the relationship between these abilities and performance.
The latest research includes fMRI studies to establish neuro-endocrine arousal of coaching to the Positive Emotional Attractor and resonant leadership.
The Master of Positive Organization Development and Change program will sponsor this webinar.
For more information and to register, visit weatherhead.case.edu/events/2015/05/12/coaching-with-compassion/.