Close up on Veale Center track

Veale Center field house to close from July 13 to Aug. 10 for repairs

The Department of Physical Education and Athletics will close the field house of the Veale Convocation, Recreation and Athletic Center so the multipurpose courts and track can be repaired. The field house will be unavailable Friday, July 13, to Friday, Aug. 10.

Starting Monday, July 16, Adelbert Gym will be open Monday through Friday from 4 to 8 p.m. for all Case Western Reserve students, faculty and staff, along with those who typically have access to the Veale Center. An ID card must be presented, as usual.

Sudeck Track, located at DiSanto Field, also will be open from dawn to dusk for recreational use.

The cardio room, weight room, pool and racquetball courts will remain open at the Veale Center during this construction.

For more information on Department of Physical Education and Athletics facilities and hours of operations, visit