Update regarding early-morning security alert

CWRU police logoThe incident that prompted security alerts early Saturday morning took place off campus and did not involve any individuals affiliated with Case Western Reserve.

The university issued the alerts as a precautionary measure until the actual details of what had happened became clear. As soon as officials determined the circumstances and absence of potential threat, the university issued an all-clear notice.

The specifics of the situation are as follows: University police responded to an accidental shooting on Wade Park Avenue east of East 118th Street, just before 1 a.m. Saturday. A university officer was the first to arrive on the scene, and most of the juveniles involved scattered as the patrol car approached. The officer stayed with the injured youth until Cleveland EMS arrived and transported him to University Hospitals Case Medical Center. University Circle police also arrived quickly. Cleveland police now are investigating the case.

Preliminary information indicates that a group of juveniles had been gathered on Wade Park Avenue when they saw four other youths walking in the vicinity. One of the juveniles had a handgun and shot it in the air, apparently as a threat to the other youths. In the process of returning the weapon to his waistband, the juvenile inadvertently shot one of his colleagues in the thigh. No other individual was injured.

The university will provide the campus community additional details as they become available.