Upcoming UCITE session to address how to teach better in large classes

While research shows that small class sizes in college produce greater gains in important cognitive areas and in student satisfaction, this does not imply that large classes must be intellectual wastelands. The right types of educators can counter negative factors, such as the sense of anonymity, alienation and disengagement. It is possible for students in large classes to benefit considerably from large classes.

All faculty members can benefit from knowing what successful teachers of large classes do and how do they do it. At the next UCITE session, four such teachers—Chris Butler of mathematics, Corbin Covault of physics, Julie Exline of psychological sciences, and Mike Kenney of chemistry—will share their tips on what works in large classes and what to avoid doing.

The discussion will take place Thursday, March 7, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Herrick Room of the Allen Memorial Medical Library building (use the Adelbert Road doors.)

Pizza and sodas will be provided at this session. RSVP to ucite@case.edu.