University of Michigan professor to lead upcoming lecture on medieval art

Elizabeth Sears, the George H. Forsyth Junior Collegiate Professor of History of Art at the University of Michigan, will lead the Julius Fund Lecture in Medieval Art on March 28. Sears’ talk will be titled “A Charismatic Thinker: Aby Warburg on Image and Word.”

Sears specializes in European representational arts from the eighth through 14th century. Current projects range from the study of Carolingian notions of the divisions of time to a consideration of the place of the Beatitudes in 12th-century art and religious life to investigations of art-historical thought, its history and its Warburgian heritage.

The free, public event, sponsored by the Department of Art History and Art, will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Recital Hall.