Paper brain and heart tree, world heart day, world mental health day and wellness concept
Paper brain and heart tree, world heart day, world mental health day and wellness concept

Students to receive mental health and well-being survey via email

University Health and Counseling Services has partnered with the Healthy Minds Study (HMS) to send out a mental health and well-being survey to all graduate and undergraduate students.

HMS is a national online survey assessing mental health among students and service utilization on college campuses. The anonymous and confidential information from this survey will be used to learn more about what services are currently used, needed, or could help improve support for Case Western Reserve University students.

The survey will be open from Monday, March 21, to Monday, April 18. 

On Monday, March 21, CWRU students will receive an email from HMS at University of Michigan to their email account with a unique link to participate. All students are encouraged to participate. 

Students who participate in the study will be entered into a raffle for weighted blankets. Additionally, participants of the study will be automatically entered into a sweepstakes for one of the two $500 prizes or one of the 10 $100 prizes. The drawing will be conducted by researchers at University of Michigan School of Public Health in Ann Arbor, Michigan, this summer.