speaker lecturing at a workshop

Undergraduate TA training

Undergraduate teaching assistant (TA) training will be held Sunday, Jan. 27, from 1 to 3 p.m. in Nord Hall, Room 356.

Undergraduate TA training is for undergraduate students who are working as TAs; graduate students should take 400A or 400C for training.

The Office of the Provost requires all undergraduate TAs who have direct or indirect interaction with students (e.g., recitations leaders, lab instructors/assistants, graders, etc.) take training.

New undergraduate TAs and returning undergraduate TAs who did not complete training the previous year must attend the training.

Students who completed training in previous years or those who will have no direct or indirect interaction with students (e.g., those who only set up equipment) are exempt from this training.

Those attending must register in advance; registration details are available on the undergraduate TA website.

Email utadev@case.edu with questions.