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UCITE session: “Canvas Is Here”

The next University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education (UCITE) session will offer an overview of Canvas, Case Western Reserve University’s new learning management system.

Lauren Rogers, Katie Skapin and Genevieve Mathieson Kilmer, members of University Technology’s Teaching & Learning Technologies team, will lead the session.

They will highlight some of the most powerful and useful features in the system, including adding the calendar and course modules, and demonstrating some key functionality like adding content, assignments and quizzes to courses.

The session will be held Friday, Nov. 11, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Allen Memorial Medical Library’s Herrick Room (use Adelbert Road doors).

Pizza and sodas will be provided at this session.


Faculty who want to laern more can visit the Canvas resource website at There you can find a calendar of upcoming workshops, training and drop-in support opportunities.