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Think Forum featuring T. Morgan Dixon

Photo of T. Morgan Dixon

The next Think Forum event will feature T. Morgan Dixon, cofounder and CEO of GirlTrek, the largest public health movement for Black women in the United States. GirlTrek encourages women to use walking as a practical first step to inspire healthy living, families and communities. Dixon’s talk will center on the intersection of race and gender, entrepreneurship, public health and how GirlTrek has brought communities together before and during the pandemic. With more than 1 million views and counting, Dixon’s 2017 TED Talk with GirlTrek co-leader Vanessa Garrison earned a standing ovation and The Audacious Prize.

This Think Forum event, presented in partnership with the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, will be held Tuesday, March 30, at 5 p.m. The virtual Think Forum will be presented live online.

Registration is requested on the Think Forum website in order to obtain the streaming link.