Gavel and Themis statue in the court library
Gavel and Themis statue in the court library.

“The Rollback of Public Health Emergency Powers and a New Model Law”

The COVID-19 pandemic caused governors to use executive branch public health powers to an unprecedented degree. A combination of public weariness with the pandemic, frustration with executive actions designed to mitigate the community effects of COVID, and ongoing anti-government sentiment has resulted in judicial and legislative actions that have eliminated fundamental executive power to protect public health during an emergency. 

To assure that all states are prepared for future public health emergencies, the Uniform Law Commission is drafting a model public health emergency authorities law. 

The School of Law will welcome Rob Gatter, who is helping to lead this drafting project, to Case Western Reserve University for a talk Wednesday, March 8, at noon in the Moot Courtroom (A59).

Gatter will describe the draft model law in his talk, titled “The Rollback of Public Health Emergency Powers and a New Model Law.”

Register to attend.