Many students today are conditioned to believe that their grades and test scores are the greatest predictors for long-term success. While those are important when applying for scholarships, being accepted into top colleges and even for post-graduate study, it is also important that students know there is more to success than just book smarts. Traits like determination, resilience, and self-control also are critical.
Clinical psychologist and author Joel Nuñez will give a lecture titled “The Genius Myth” to debunk the myth and explain that what sets exceptional people apart from others is not always their “inherent talent,” but their hard work, persistence and positive response to setbacks in addition to their natural talents and gifts.
Studies show that these skills can be taught and developed.
This lecture will be held Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 12:30 p.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center, ballroom B.
As a result of attending this program, Nuñez will explain:
- How students who have a limited belief about themselves can hinder their success in school, relationships, athletics and life;
- About the insufficient resource myth in which people convince themselves they would do more and be more “if only…” they had more external resources (like support from important people, time, energy, etc.);
- That powerful predictors of success are completely internal, can be developed and grow proportional to the size of challenges we face effectively; and
- Practical, principal-based strategies for developing determination, resilience and self-control.