Pen on blank 1040 tax forms

Tax savings strategies webinar available to faculty, staff

Faculty and staff can review the different sections of the 1040 step-by-step and learn how to maximize savings within each with the February webinar offered by the Case Western Reserve University employee assistance program. The webinar is available through IMPACT Solutions and can be watched throughout February.

To view the webinar:

  1. Visit the IMPACT Solutions website.
  2. Click on the orange “Go to member login” box.
  3. At “MEMBER LOGIN”, enter Username. If you don’t remember the username, call 1.800.227.6007. It also is listed in the CWRU Impact Solutions brochure.
  4. Click the “Sign In” box.
  5. Click on the blue “Webinar” box.
  6. Under February Webinar, select either “No Completion Certificate” to view anonymously or “Completion Certificate” for proof of having viewed the webinar.

IMPACT Solutions is available to employees at no cost.