Take a brief survey to help the university in its move from Adobe Connect to Zoom The Daily The Daily
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Take a brief survey to help the university in its move from Adobe Connect to Zoom

Adobe Connect is discontinuing support of Flash as its multimedia platform soon. As a result, Case Western Reserve University will phase out its use of Adobe Connect and move to Zoom. The transition is expected to be complete by March 2019, and some departments and schools are already transitioning to Zoom.

Case Western Reserve community members who use either Adobe Connect or Zoom can help drive this transition by taking a short survey (estimated completion time: five minutes or fewer). The survey will help University Technology gauge the number of Adobe Connect users, and the functions for which they use it, to ensure a successful transition to Zoom.

To take the survey, go to goo.gl/forms/YElVJsNQdCu1sQvV2, fill out the survey completely and then click “Submit.” You will need to sign into your Google Suite account with your CWRU ID, if not already logged in.

If you have any questions about this survey or the transition to Zoom, contact the [U]Tech Service Desk at help@case.edu, 216.368.HELP (4357) or help.case.edu.