Take an animated look at some of CWRU’s top stories of 2010-11

Who would have thought trans fats could sneak into your diet? That dentists could dig up the dirt on evolution? Or that bicyclists could boost the local economy? The innovative researchers, thought leaders and status-quo challengers of Case Western Reserve University did.

From discovering that ultraviolet rays could easily repair scratches to a car’s paint job to finding that teens who text frequently are more likely to engage in risky behavior, Case Western Reserve faculty, staff and students led the way in developing groundbreaking research and projects throughout 2010-11.

Find out more through the university’s latest Annual Report, which features a creative, animated video as well as quick articles highlighting some of the top accomplishments across campus. Watch the video and find out more at case.edu/whowouldhavethought.

After watching the video, don’t forget to share it with friends and colleagues through Facebook, Twitter and more.

In addition, university representatives will be in different spots across campus next week offering free food and prizes to faculty, staff and students who become a fan of Case Western Reserve University on Facebook as well as “like” the animated video to share with friends. (Find times and locations.)

Visit case.edu/whowouldhavethought to learn more about ways people from all across campus are helping “think beyond the possible.”