Weatherhead’s Scott Shane discusses entrepreneurship amidst the pandemic April 24, 2020The Coronavirus Is Showing Us Which Entrepreneurs Matter New York Times: Scott Shane, a professor of economics at...Media·
Weatherhead’s Sayan Chatterjee comments on concerns of meat shortages in grocery stores April 20, 2020Will closing of meat processors create shortages at your grocery store? Sayan Chatterjee, a professor at the...Media·
Director of Entrepreneurship Michael Goldberg talks about the disadvantages of the “gig economy” during social isolation April 15, 2020Help is on the way for Uber, Lyft drivers and other gig workers as economy sputters 19 News...Media·
Weatherhead’s J.B. Silvers comments on how a country-wide effort might be necessary to keep hospitals up and running April 15, 2020Ohio hospitals are prepping for big financial losses in pandemic Modern Healthcare: J.B. Silvers, a professor of banking...Media·
Economics professor Sue Helper shares manufacturing realities of supplies needed to combat coronavirus outbreak April 15, 2020The coronavirus pandemic has exposed how profit-driven decisions undercut the US’s ability to fight an outbreak Business Insider:...Media·
Weatherhead School adds two courses to summer schedule April 14, 2020Thinking about courses for the Summer 2020 semester? Weatherhead School of Management has added two one-credit courses to...Community Postings·
Director of entrepreneurship Michael Goldberg shares some tips for successful remote courses April 10, 20204 tips for adapting an experiential learning course from real world to online—during (and after) the coronavirus Forbes:Michael...Media·
Weatherhead’s David Clingingsmith and Scott Shane are concerned about a lack of a federal response regarding essential businesses April 8, 2020Federal aid critical to stabilizing Ohio economy amid coronavirus crisis, economists say David Clingingsmith, associate professor of...Media·
Sayan Chatterjee, of Weatherhead, speaks about the assurances from national grocery store chains that getting food is not a problem April 8, 2020Getting food to stores is not a problem despite the empty shelves brought on by coronavirus fears·
Weatherhead’s Scott Shane weighs in on how COVID-19 will affect the economy April 8, 2020Economy likely headed towards recession, but it’s not like 2008 WEWS: Scott Shane, the A. Malachi Mixon III...Media·