Compliance Office to launch annual online compliance training in January December 9, 2019The Case Western Reserve University Compliance Office is preparing to launch the 2020 version of the annual online...Faculty & Staff·
Green Dot to offer faculty and staff overview sessions throughout the semester September 7, 2018Case Western Reserve University is a Green Dot campus, part of a national organization that teaches bystander intervention...Faculty & Staff·
QPR training September 5, 2018University Health and Counseling Services will host QPR suicide prevention training for faculty, staff and students Thursday, Sept....Events·
Scopus Training April 4, 2018Five one-hour training sessions on Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, will be held...Events·
Faculty and staff compliance training deadline approaching March 16, 2018The CWRU Compliance Office sent faculty and staff emails directing them to complete the annual online compliance training...Faculty & Staff·
CPR training February 22, 2018CPR is an important procedure to help anyone undergoing cardiac arrest, and you never know when you may...Events·
SAVE Presenter Training February 22, 2018Sexual Assault and Violence Educators (SAVE) will host Presenter Training Saturday, Feb. 24, from 10 a.m. to 3...Events·
Get additional training on Canvas and retrieving Blackboard content February 22, 2018Teaching and Learning Technologies is expanding its training calendar to assist the Case Western Reserve University community in...Faculty & Staff·
Sustained Dialogue Moderator Training January 10, 2018Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend a free Sustained Dialogue Moderator Training session Saturday, Jan. 13,...Events·
QPR suicide prevention training December 18, 2017University Health & Counseling Services will offer QPR suicide prevention training for students, faculty and staff Wednesday, Jan....Events·