Graduate Student Senate offers coupons for “Parks and Rec” stars’ comedy show February 9, 2015Graduate Student Senate will provide graduate students with coupons for $5 off the Nick Offerman and Retta comedy...Student Life·
Tickets on sale for on-campus RJD2 concert February 9, 2015On Wednesday, Feb. 11, the University Program Board and WRUW radio station will bring RJD2 to campus for...Campus UpdatesEvents·
30th annual Doc Opera variety show set for Dec. 12 December 8, 2014Thirty years of performances to benefit the Cleveland community? That’s something to sing about. This weekend, Case Western...EventsFeatured·
Purchase discounted tickets to see CWRU Pep Band perform at Lake Erie Monsters game Nov. 21 October 29, 2014The Case Western Reserve University Pep Band will perform at the Lake Erie Monsters game on Friday, Nov....Campus UpdatesEvents·
Students: Limited number of tickets for tonight’s Gloria Steinem lecture still available September 9, 2014The Town Hall of Cleveland at Case Western Reserve University opens the 2014-2015 season with a lecture by...Student Life·
Purchase early bird tickets for Senior Week 2014 April 15, 2014Early bird tickets for Senior Week 2014 now are on sale at General ticket sales will open...EventsStudent Life·
Get discounted tickets to see Paul Taylor Dance Co. October 23, 2013The Weatherhead School of Management’s Office of Student Affairs is offering all faculty, staff and students discounted tickets...Campus Updates·
Get discounted tickets to see the Cleveland Browns vs. Detroit Lions Oct. 13 October 3, 2013The Weatherhead School of Management’s Office of Student Affairs offers all students, staff and faculty a chance to...EventsStudent Life·
Graduate Student Senate to sponsor Cedar Point trip July 20; get tickets now July 9, 2013Graduate Student Senate will sponsor a Cedar Point day trip open to all graduate students on Saturday, July...Student Life·